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Se ti siamo stati utili effettua una
(Steinheim, Slesia 27 gennaio 1913 – ? dopo il 1950) prigioniera e poi sorvegliante nei campi di concentramento;
1933 1934 30 giugno, "notte dei lunghi coltelli"; 2 agosto, il presidente del Reich P.L. von Hindenburg muore a Neudeck (futura Podzameck); 1935 1936 1937 1938 maggio, in un discorso tenuto a Jüteborg, A.
Hitler dice chiaro e netto davanti ai generali che la Germania
"incorporerà la Cecoslovacchia; 1939 – Dipartimento A (nemici) – Dipartimento D (lavoratori stranieri) ===================== da qui prima della guerra lavora come contadina, commessa e cameriera;
23 agosto, Mosca, viene firmato il "patto Hitler-Stalin"
[o "patto Molotov-Ribbentrop"]
1939 settembre - aprile 1945 – II Guerra Mondiale 1° settembre, A. Hitler attacca la Polonia; 1940 10 maggio - 25 giugno, campagna di Francia
viene creato l'ufficio centrale di comando della Gestapo; 1º marzo, H.
Himmler effettua il primo sopralluogo al KZ (Konzentrationslager)
Auschwitz (in seguito Auschwitz I)
complimentandosi con Rudolf
Höß per il lavoro finora svolto ma esponendo nel
contempo nuovi e grandiosi progetti per Auschwitz; 6 aprile, inizia l'invasione della Grecia e della Jugoslavia; invasione dell'Unione Sovietica 22 giugno, inizia la campagna di Russia "Operazione Barbarossa"; 29 luglio, Rudolf Höß viene convocato a Berlino da H. Himmler per partecipare ad un incontro (strettamente confidenziale) nel quale vengono definiti i particolari per l'ampliamento di Auschwitz e la creazione del nuovo campo di Auschwitz II - Birkenau nel contesto della prevista soluzione finale ordinata da A. Hitler; agosto, dopo l'incontro con H.
Himmler, Rudolf
Höß ha un incontro con A.
Eichmann, architetto delle deportazioni del genocidio, per
discutere la "Soluzione finale della questione ebraica"; Viene intanto costruito per i prigionieri un Arbeitslager
(campo di lavoro) della IG-Farben
a Monowitz – a circa 10 chilometri da Auschwitz – che
contiene anche un Arbeitsausbildungslager (campo di educazione
del lavoro) per i prigionieri non ebrei considerati non all'altezza
degli standard di lavoro tedeschi. Per tutta la seconda metà dell'anno proseguono intanto alacremente,
sotto la sua supervisione, lavori di costruzione di Auschwitz
II - Birkenau; 1942 15 febbraio, giunge al KZ Auschwitz
(in seguito Auschwitz I) il primo convoglio
di deportati ebrei provenienti dall'Alta Slesia che vengono immediatamente
uccisi con il "Zyklon B"
e i cui corpi vengono poi cremati; 17 febbraio, viene trasferita come prigioniera, assieme a molte
altre donne, al campo di concentramento di Ravensbrück; 26 marzo, viene trasferita come prigioniera ad Auschwitz I; Arthur
Liebehenschel entra a far parte del WVHA
(SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt - Ufficio centrale
economico ed amministrativo delle SS); 26 luglio, viene trasferita come prigioniera a Birkenau; aprile, risiede per vari periodi a Ravensbrück, Auschwitz n. 1, Birkenau e Budin [Budy], in tutti i posti in cui è una normale prigioniera senza essere una funzionaria;
[Delle 55.000 guardie che prestano servizio nei campi di concentramento nazisti, circa 3.700 sono donne. Nel 1942, le prime guardie donna giungono ad Auschwitz e Majdanek da Ravensbrück. L'anno successivo il regime nazista comincerà ad escludere le guardie donne a causa della scarsa attenzione nella sorveglianza.] 1943 8 settembre, l'Italia firma l'armistizio; autunno, Oswald
Pohl, decide che Auschwitz abbia raggiunto dimensioni tali
da richiedere una suddivisione e la nomina di più comandanti. 11 novembre, Arthur Liebehenschel viene nominato comandante di Auschwitz in sostituzione di Rudolf Höß andato a ricoprire il posto del primo al WVHA; 1944 8 maggio, Rudolf Höß ritorna ad Auschwitz, per sovrintendere alla "Ungarn-Aktion" – denominata poi in suo onore "Aktion Höß"; In questo periodo il complesso di sterminio di Auschwitz
II - Birkenau raggiunge il suo massimo potenziale distruttivo
con la morte di circa 400.000 vittime in circa tre mesi di «operazioni». I convogli vengono dirottati direttamente nel campo di concentramento di Auschwitz, l'unico centro di sterminio ancora a disposizione nei territori occupati, comodo per l'arrivo dei vagoni ferroviari e nascosto agli occhi del mondo. Dopo una sommaria selezione i prigionieri ungheresi ritenuti sani e forti – chiamati Depot-Häftlinge - detenuti in deposito – vengono alloggiati temporaneamente nel settore BII di Birkenau senza essere segnati nei registri del lager. 6 giugno, D-Day, inizio dell'invasione finale ad ovest;
1945 27 gennaio, sempre come una normale prigioniera, arriva nel
campo di concentramento di Bergen-Belsen e collocata
nel blocco 213; 6 marzo, viene trasferita al blocco 199; 15 aprile, le truppe Britanniche fanno irruzione nel campo
di concentramento di Bergen-Belsen, trovando oltre
10.000 cadaveri e 60.000 superstiti. 30 aprile, A. Hitler si toglie la vita insieme alla sua amante Eva Braun (ufficialmente sposata il giorno precedente); 8 maggio, finisce la guerra; 16 giugno, viene arrestata; 17 settembre-17 novembre, 1° PROCESSO DI BELSEN [30 Lindenstraße, Lüneburg, Bassa Sassonia]: [Caricata con il conteggio 1. - n. 43] 17 novembre, viene condannata a 10 anni di carcere; 1950 Nulla si sa da questo momento in poi. ================================== 1° PROCESSO DI
BELSEN [vedi sito apposito] Prove per la convenuta Johanne Roth
JOHANNE ROTH, sworn, examined by Captain Munro - I was born on 27th January, 1913, in Steinheim, Silesia, and before the war worked as farm girl, shop assistant and housemaid. In January, 1941, I was arrested by the Gestapo at Giessen because I was living together with a Pole and was sent to Darmstadt, where I remained for 13 months in prison. After that I was for varying periods in Ravensbrück, Auschwitz No. 1, Birkenau and Budin [Budy], in all of which places I was an ordinary prisoner without being a functionary. On 27th January, 1945, I arrived at Belsen as an ordinary prisoner and was in Block 213 for six weeks before being transferred on 6th March to Block 199. What happened to you then? - There I became a Stubendienst. There were 13 German women, three of whom became Kapos, six went into the S.S. quarters to wash their laundry and the others became Stubendienst. Did you ask for or want this function? - No, it was a hard, thankless task. We had to get up in the morning at six o’clock, go on roll-call and then tidy the rooms. Who were responsible for the discipline on an Appell? - The Blockältester. Did you have anything to do with food? - In the afternoon we had to collect the food and distribute it and the bread. The other Stubendienst did this job and I had only to stand there and watch. Were you ever the night guard of Block 199? - No. How many night guards were there? - Three. What sort of people were in that block? - There were 800 Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Czechoslovaks and Germans. In the first fortnight there were about 50 sick people in the block and in the next three weeks about 200 and the number gradually increased. Were you ever visited by the S.S.? - Yes, Aufseherin Gollasch came every second or third day, but I never was given any instructions as to how to control prisoners. Did the prisoners have more food in Block 199 than in the other blocks? - Yes, the Kapos saw to that, for when I went to collect the food and said it was for 250, they always received for 300. Helen Klein said that you beat a woman called Ida Friedman very severely one night, with the result that she died the next day. Had you anything to do with her death? - Certainly not. What nationality was she? - A Polish Jewess. I saw her two days before the British troops arrived. Did you ever beat a Polish girl called Hoffman, as Luba Rormann states in her affidavit? - No. Did you ever beat Sofia Rosenzweig when she was very ill in bed and did you beat an old woman who was lying in bed? - No. Did you ever beat people in Belsen? - Yes, mostly during the distribution of food when they tried to get a second helping or were crowding round the containers. I only beat them with my hand or with a very small leather belt. What were you doing between the time the British arrived and 16th June? - I was walking about the camp with my prisoner friends, because I had a clear conscience and was waiting for my papers. Cross-examined by Colonel BACKHOUSE - How were you treated at Ravensbrück? - Quite well. And at Auschwitz and Birkenau? - Not so well. Did you ever see anybody beaten there on Appell, or in a block? - No, I was always outside. Which Lager did you live in at Birkenau? - Birkenau No. 1 Women’s Compound. I suppose you never saw anything of these selections nor any transports coming at night, or anything of that sort? - No. Who was the Lagerführer there? - I saw Kramer once or twice on Sundays, and Hoessler. When did you see Kramer there? - In Birkenau, on Easter Monday, in April, 1943. Had he come for a holiday or was he working? - Several S.S. Unterscharführer arrived to look for people for their Kommandos. But Kramer was Kommandant of Natzweiler at that time, at the other end of Germany? - He was present when these working parties were selected. When did you go to Budin [Budy]? - Easter Monday, 1943. Do you remember Bormann at Budin [Budy], and if so, had she a dog with her? - Yes. Did the prisoners play with the dog? - The dog was chasing about in the fields when he was there, and then the prisoners played with him. Who appointed you as a functionary in Belsen? - Aufseherin Gollasch and the Blockälteste. When did you first see Volkenrath and Ehlert? - I have never seen them. Have you ever seen anybody in the dock at all? - I did not bother about the Aufseherinnen and had nothing to do with them. Who was in charge of the prisoners in your block when they went out to work? - The Blockälteste Frieda Franka and the clerk. The Kapos marched them off, and the Blockführer and the clerk checked them out at the gate. Was Weingartner a Blockführer? - I have never seen him as Blockführer. Are you sure that this block of yours is in the same Belsen we are all talking about? - In Women’s Compound No. 1. Weingartner said he was the Blockführer and Volkenrath said she spent all her time at the gate, which was the reason why she never got into the other women’s compound. Are you sure you never saw them at all? - I never paid any attention either to the Blockführer or Aufseherinnen or S.S. men. How did they react to a prisoner ignoring them all? - I went through the gate with my prisoners to fetch our food and did not bother about anything else. You had some beds for the block. Did some of these get broken? - Very many. Did you not use a wooden lath from one of those to do your beating with? - No. I suggest you beat Rosenzweig and other people with a lath when they could not get up for Appell? - I was not allowed, I could never beat sick people. Did you not know an Ida Friedman who was a French girl? - No, she was a Polish Jewess. I suggest to you that you regularly beat people and you beat that woman until she died? - Untrue, and she is not dead either. By the JUDGE ADVOCATE - Did you have a name or a number in concentration camp? - A number. Have you got a number tattooed on your arm? - No. You are a German? - Yes. Only a Jewess had the number on her arm, is that right? - Yes For the 800 people who slept in the block at night, how many lavatories were there available? - Five or six. Did anybody die in this block of yours? - During this period of my stay, seven or eight. By a Member of the Court - What makes you think that Friedman is not dead? - I saw Friedman two or three days before the British troops arrived and ten or twelve days after.